Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A Survey found that the Entertainment Industry Has “Negative Effect” on Society and that has long been known by both Christian and Islamic clerics.

In April 2010, the Pew Research Center released the results of its latest survey of Americans’ attitudes toward institutions. Though the survey’s primary focus was on attitudes towards government, one question asked those polled for their reactions to other institutions and the effect such institutions have on society. 51% of those replying said they believed the entertainment industry was having a negative effect “on the way things are going in the country these days.” Only 33% said the entertainment industry was having a positive effect. (The remaining 16% said they had “no opinion” or didn’t know.)

Furthermore, a 2008 poll by the Anti-Defamation League found 59% of Americans believe “that the people who run the TV networks and the major movie studios do not share the religious and moral values of most Americans.”

Given the industry’s constant – and increasing – emphasis on gory violence, explicit language, and graphic sexual content, it is no wonder Americans and Muslims feel this way. But Americans shouldn’t have to give up going to movies or watching TV; instead, the entertainment industry ought to respond to the desires of its customers, the Islamic clerics and produce entertainment people actually want to see.

Another example is the Miss USA Pageant it is certainly Not For Families Anymore nor is it welcomed in Islamic countries where most women are covered from head to toe.

Last Sunday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m. NBC broadcasted the 58th annual Miss USA pageant…but the 2010 event will not be like previous ones.

Unlike the wholesome beauty pageants of the past, this year’s Miss USA contestants have posed for photographs in an openly sexual manner. Posed seductively on a bed, the contestants display tousled hair, smudged black eyeliner, low-cut panties, sexy lingerie, and lots of cleavage and bare skin. Many disappointed fans of the pageant have protested the new look, saying that the end result looks less like a traditional beauty contest and more like a Victoria's Secret ad.

But contest impresario Donald Trump is delighted by the contest’s turn from a beauty pageant into a soft-porn photo shoot. Indeed, Trump revels in the change, and promises that the broadcast will contain even more sexually provocative material. “They go as far as you can on network television – which is pretty far!” Trump boasted.