St. Theodemir Feastday: July 25
Monk and martyr of Spain. He was martyred at Cordoba under Emir Abd al-Rahman II (r. 822-852), a Muslim, because he would not recant his Christian faith. 851 A.D.
Martyrs of Cardena Feastday: August 6
Benedictine monks (8th century) in the monastery of Cardena, Spain, under Abbot Stephen. More than two hundred monks here were put to death by the Arabs during their conquest of the peninsula. Their cult was approved in 1603 A.D.
St. Anthony Primaldi and Companions Feastday: August 14
Martyrs. Anthony was an artist in Otranto, Italy, caught up in the Turkish invasion of the city. All inhabitants were given the choice of converting to Islam or dying. Anthony led eight hundred men who refused to deny the faith and all were massacred after the Ottoman conquers fulfilled their threat. 1480 A.D.
St. Leovigild and Christopher Feastday: August 20
Martyrs of Cordoba, Spain, put to death under the ruler of Cordoba, Abd al-Rahman II. Leovigild was a priest and Christopher was a monk. 852 A.D.
St. Fabrician and Philibert Feastday: August 22
Spanish martyrs revered in Toledo, Spain, where they were slain for steadfastly professing the faith.
St. Victor Feastday: August 26
Martyr. According to tradition, he was martyred at Caesarea, Mauretania, in Africa during the persecutions of the first century. A Passia composed in the fifteenth century declares his martyrdom to have come in Spain at the hands of the Moors. 950 A.D
St. Ebbo Feastday: August 27
Bishop of Sens, France, who saved the city during a Saracen attack in 725 . He was born in Tonnerre, and became a Benedictine at St. Pierre-leVef in Sens. 740 A.D. He was named a bishop in 709.
St. Pelagius, Arsenius, and Sylvanus Feastday: August 30
Martyrs in Spain. According to tradition, they were hermits who resided in the area around Burgos, in Old Castile, who were put to death by Moors. 950 A.D. They are revered in Burgos.
St. Raymond Nonnatus Feastday: August 31
Raymond was born at Portella, Catalonia, Spain. He was delivered by caesarean operation when his mother died in childbirth. Hence his name non natus (not born). He joined the Mercedarians under St. Peter Nolasco at Barcelona. He succeeded Peter as chief ransomer and went to Algeria to ransom slaves. He remained as hostage for several slaves when his money ran out and was sentenced to be impaled when the governor learned that he had converted several Mohammedans. He escaped the death sentence because of the ransom he would bring, but was forced to run the gauntlet. He was then tortured for continuing his evangelizing activities but was ransomed eight months later by Peter Nolasco. On his return to Barcelona in 1239, he was appointed Cardinal by Pope Gregory IX, but died at Cardona a short distance from Barcelona the next year while on the way to Rome. He was canonized in 1657. He is the patron saint of expectant mothers and midwives because of the nature of his own birth. Although his mother died in labor, Raymond miraculously survived the ordeal. His feast day is August 31.
St. Dominic del Val Feastday: August 31
Altar boy reportedly killed by Jews in Aragon, Spain, called San Dominquito, “Little Dominic.” He is listed as a martyr, being only seven when murdered. 1250 A.D.